Pokology - a community-driven site around GNU poke

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Frequently Asked Questions

__) __) ---._______) Table of Contents _________________ 1. Language .. 1. Is there an equivalent of _Static_assert(sizeof(struct my_struct) = 48)? .. 2. How do I check for trailing bytes at the end of a file 1 Language ========== 1.1 Is there an equivalent of _Static_assert(sizeof(struct my_struct) = 48)? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If the struct type My_Struct is complete, i.e. its size can be determined at compile-time, then you can do this: ,---- | assert (1#My_Struct == 48#B) `---- Otherwise you can construct a struct value and use the 'size attribute like this: ,---- | assert (My_Struct{}'size == 48#B) `---- 1.2 How do I check for trailing bytes at the end of a file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you have a single mapping that (supposedly) wholly encompasses a file, it may be useful to be able to deal with extraneous bytes at the end: then iosize(fd) comes in handy: ,---- | var fd = open("/etc/passwd"); | type mytype = char[200]; | var relevant = mytype @ fd : 0#B; | var trailing_len = iosize(fd) - relevant'size; `---- One way to deal with it would be to assert that it doesn't happen: ,---- | assert(0#B == trailing_len); // or simply: | assert(iosize(fd) == relevant'size); `---- Or you can carve it out and parade it: ,---- | var trailing_chars = char[] @ fd : iosize(fd) - trailing_len; | var trim = alignto(trailing_len, sizeof(short)); | var trailing_shorts = short[trailing_len - trim] @ fd : relevant'size; | assert(relevant'size + trailing_shorts'size + trim == iosize(fd)); | assert(trim'magnitude*trim'unit == iosize(fd)/#b % 16); `----