

As is usual in modern programming languages Algol 68 supports an infinity of user defined modes, which are derived from the primitive modes *. There are two ways a programmer could shoot herself in the foot while defining modes:

The first problem arises in modes that somehow include themselves. This can happen both directly, when a structure mode has a field of its own mode, or indirectly like in the following example:

mode thunk = struct (int content, thunk_extra extra);
mode thunk_extra = struct (char ext code, thunk extra thunk);

The second problem is more difficult to find in practice. The following rather artificial example is taken from II:

mode itself = ref itself;
ref itself who = loc itself;

If some particular mode is free of these problems, it is said that the mode is well formed.

Note how the root cause of non-well formed modes is in all cases some sort of recursion. Structural recursion can be avoided by what is known as shielding: a ref or a proc “shields” the referred or procedured mode that follows from causing recursion. For example, the following mode is well formed and actually quite useful:

mode tree node = struct (int data, ref tree node left, right);

The well-formedness of modes can always be detected at compile-time using a method known as the ying-yang algorithm that is specified in the Revised Report as a predicate grammar (see below).


[RR 7.1.1.A]:

A) PREF :: procedure yielding ; REF to.

[RR 7.4.1.a:d]:

     where (NOTION) is (PLAIN)
        or (NOTION) is (FLEXETY ROWS of)
        or (NOTION) is (union of) or (NOTION) is (void),
     WHETHER true.

b) WHETHER (PREF) shields SAFE to yin SAFE:
     WHETHER true.

c) WHETHER (structured with) sheilds SAFE to yang SAFE:
     WHETHER true.

d) WHETHER (procedure with) shields SAFE to ying yang SAFE:
     WHETHER true.

See Also



In fact Algol 68 was the first language that seriously introduced the concept